Friday, February 1, 2019

[HWPL] HWPL and Mr. Man Hee Lee plan to visit Cambodia in Feb


[HWPL] HWPL and Mr. Man Hee Lee plan to visit Cambodia in Feb

Original Article :

Today I bring you a short article from Cambodia for you. Cambodia is a country near Thailand, Laos and Vietnam in South-Eastern Asia, very famous for Angkor Wat :)

Angkor Wat

However, Cambodia also has a very tragic and cruel history with its 'Killing Fields' during the Communist Revolution by Democratic Campuchia that killed countless Cambodians in the 1970s.

Skulls of victims of 'Killing Field'

Read the sign at the left.... so sad and cruel... :(

I think that is why Cambodia supports HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of the Light. Chairman: Mr. Man Hee Lee) and Mr. Man Hee Lee, who has drafted the DPCW (Declaration of Peace, Cessation of War) as the only answer for world peace.

Mr. Man Hee Lee in the article
Such tragic history in the memory of Cambodians must have driven them to pursue world peace and a peaceful culture. KhmerRead reported that HWPL's peace messengers and Mr. Man Hee Lee will visit Cambodia this February to meet the country's head monk, educational experts and other dignitaries.

HWPL announced that Mr. Man Hee Lee and its peace messengers will deliver the message of peace to Cambodians through national broadcasting stations. 

Cambodia is one of the countries which has signed an M.O.U. to receive HWPL's peace education, meaning the country thoroughly understands the significance of peace culture and education for their youth.

HWPL hopes to raise awareness of world peace in Cambodia so that they can also participate in the 'Legislate Peace Campaign' to help enact the DPCW at the UN in the near future.

Writer's comment : I think that Cambodians understand the importance of peace education and peace culture because of their painful history, like Koreans do. I hope HWPL and Mr. Man Hee Lee achieve a wonderful result for world peace :)



  1. Very glad that Mr. Lee will bring the message of peace to Cambodia. Through getting citizens' support for the 'Legislate Peace Campaign', the DPCW will be enacted sooner.

  2. I support this work of world peace:)

  3. Cambodia has such a sad history. I wish it won't happen again.
