Thursday, July 4, 2019

[Peace News] Korean Vice Minister of Unification Ministry Mr. Ho Suh Says "Let's Make DMZ the Center of Peace"

[Peace News]

[Peace News] Korean Vice Minister of Unification Ministry, Mr. Ho Suh, Says "Let's Make DMZ the Center of Peace"

서호 통일부차관 "DMZ를 평화의 중심지로" / Reporter Youngsin Jeon / BBS News / July 4th 2019 / South Korea

Mr. Ho Suh, Vice-Minister of Unification, said the government will develop the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone of Korea) into a center of peace that has historical, ecological and cultural contents with borderline municipal governments.

'DMZ Peace Operation Forum' was hosted at Cheorwon DMZ Peace Culture Square on July 4th, where the Vice-Minister announced key initiatives between the Koreas such as the meeting with the U.S, the withdrawal of General Border Post and an Excavation of Remains.

Korean Unification Monument in a borderline park

The remains of Taebong state found in Cheorwon 1100 years ago couldn't be excavated because it is in the middle of DMZ.

Mr. Ho Suh said: "Borderline cities will be centers of South-North Korean exchange and cooperation, and it will develop into 'Borderline Peace Prosperity Belt' which will be the foundation of the Korean peninsular's peaceful prosperous community."

Foreign Korean War veterans visiting the DMZ


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  1. Happy to see peace in the area!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Through peace work, World become one heart.
    Thank you

  4. Yeah we do need a peace leader.. have heard of peace work from young but until now all I can hear are the same, nothing really changes.... please give practical answers! Worth trying to help possible any solution������

  5. 良いアイデアだと思います‼︎

  6. 分けた地を一つにするすてきな事です。

  7. 分断されたものをまた一つに繋げるのがいいですね
