Wednesday, December 25, 2019

[HWPL] HWPL Gimhae Branch Said "Cessation of All Religious Conflicts Needed to Achieve World Peace"


[HWPL] HWPL Gimhae Branch Said "Cessation of All Religious Conflicts Needed to Achieve World Peace"

"세계 평화 이루려면 종교 분쟁 없어야" / / Dec 24th 2019 / Gimhaenews / South Korea

HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light. Chairman Man Hee Lee) is a non-governmental organization purposed to cease all wars and achieve world peace. It has been carrying out peace initiatives to pass on sustainable world peace that transcends politics, religion, race and culture in 170 countries.

HWPL has more than 70 branches in South Korea, and HWPL Gimhae branch in Buwon-Dong has more than 1000 members. Branch director, Mr. Yonghwan Hwang, said, "HWPL desires a peaceful world without continuous wars, hostilities and conflicts. We are focusing on three main peace initiatives which are the introduction of the DPCW at the UN's general assembly, WARP (World Alliance of Religions' Peace) office meetings for interfaith dialogue, and peace education and culture.

Branch Director Mr. Hwang said, "The DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War - a new international law drafted by HWPL) has the power to cease all wars and is the definite answer for world peace. More than 80% of wars throughout world history have occurred because of religious conflicts, so we are now carrying out 'Interfaith Dialogues' to resolve and prevent religious conflicts."

Mr. Hyungmin Kim, Assistant Manager of IPYG (International Peace Youth Group, a sub-group of HWPL) Gimhae branch, said, "Peace education is a core value. We have the duty to teach the true value of world peace to young generations today and to pass on world peace to future generations."

Branch Director Hwang added that "We want people to perceive HWPL without distorted perception, not seeing HWPL as a group of religious people."


Want to be informed and involved? Click Below!

HWPL official homepage :

IWPG official homepage :

IPYG official homepage :


  1. 平和のための皆の思いが美しいんです.早く戦争なしの平和の世界が来れるように

  2. 早く戦争のない世界を迎えられるように平和の教育は続いてゆくべきだと思います。
