[HWPL] Historic Battle and the Peace. Serial Posting 3. Battle of Plataea (HWPL in Greece)

When? August 479 B.C.
Where? Plataea, Greece
Who? Greeks (40,000 men under Generals Pausanias and Aristides) Vs Persians (70,000~120,000 men under Mardonius)
Why? King Xerxes of the Persian Empire invaded Greece to expand its territory
What happened? Greece won, ending the Persian invasion.
Today, people in Iran and Greece have been participating in the peace work of Chairman Man Hee Lee and his peace groups (HWPL, IWPG and IPYG), as is recorded in 'The True Story of HWPL' displayed in the National Library of Greece.
'The True Story of HWPL' records who the peace advocates of HWPL, IWPG and IPYG met, what they did, the result of their work and their future plans. People from various professions and backgrounds including politicians, diplomats, religious leaders, leading academics, legal experts, the press and teachers praised and greeted HWPL's peace work and campaign.
'The True Story of HWPL' serves as proof of HWPL's peace work and campaigns, and also shows the effort and enthusiasm of peace advocates. HWPL and Mr. Man Hee Lee published it to cease all conflicts and wars, and to leave a world of peace to future generations as an eternal legacy.
Beautiful post. Peace lies in the enactment of the DPCW. In the words of H.E. Viktor Yushchenko, Former President of Ukraine, “The DPCW is a perfect and balanced document that can be the basis of solidarity for peacekeeping in all countries of the world. I think all the leaders of the countries should support the DPCW”✌