Wednesday, May 12, 2021

[HWPL] HWPL's Plaque of Appreciation from Legal and Religious Figures in Nigeria


[HWPL] HWPL's Plaque of Appreciation from Legal and Religious Figures in Nigeria

A plaque of appreciation delivered by Prof. Sampson of the Nigerian National Defence College, expressing gratitude and respect for Chairman Man-Hee Lee's peace move

Certificate of recognition by Archbishop Akinnugba of the Byzantine Orthodox Church in Nigeria, commending Chairman Man-Hee Lee's efforts for world peace

The citizens of countries experiencing civil war and conflict constantly seek out causes and solutions to achieve peace. However, since complex interests such as politics, religion and ethnicity are intertwined, no one can provide an easy solution. Also, even when a solution is proposed, it is not easy to have the influence and infrastructure to implement it. For this reason, it is said that peace is in the 'realm of God' that humans alone cannot achieve.

In 2016, a Nigerian legal scholar admired the incredible achievements and peace movements of HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light; Chairman Man-Hee Lee) within just 5 years after witnessing it with his own eyes. He is Professor Dr. Isaac Terwase Sampson, an officer of the National Defense College of Nigeria and a Ph.D. in International Law. He paid attention to the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) - HWPL's proposed solution to ending global conflict and achieving world peace. After the DPCW was announced on March 14, 2016, a forum for the formation of a global consensus was set up in Korea in September of the same year. It was a ceremony to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the 9.18 World Peace Summit. Professor Sampson attended the commemorative program as a session presenter. At this event, he delivered a plaque of appreciation to Chairman Man-Hee Lee, who was given praise for his peace movement.

On September 18 in 2016, at the Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium in Seoul, the World Peace Summit was held in commemoration of the 2nd anniversary of the 1st World Peace Summit. Chairman Man-Hee Lee delivered commemorative remarks.

On September 18 in 2016, at the Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium in Seoul, the World Peace Summit was held to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the World Peace Summit. During the evening Daedong Festival, HWPL members created star-shaped lights.

Prof. Samson, an officer and Ph.D. of law at Nigerian National Defense College, spoke at a session on the 2nd anniversary of the World Peace Summit on September 17, 2016.

Professor Sampson expressed his strong support for peace activities around the world as HWPL called for the enactment of international law. Prof. Sampson, who has been researching disputes, including religious disputes in Nigeria, felt a deep need for peace. Prof. Sampson holds a research post at the Nigerian National Defense College, where he conducted thorough research on the disputes between Islam and Christianity in northern and southern Nigeria, and intra-religious disputes in the northern part of Nigeria. He also mentioned the seriousness of interreligious disputes in Nigeria in a number of articles published in 2012, including the article “Religious Violence in Nigeria: General Diagnosis and Strategic Recommendations for State and Religious Groups”. He pointed out that Nigerian religions shout for unity, but contradictorily, conflict is the cause. Prof. Sampson was appointed as an advisory member of HWPL on September 19, 2016.

The Nigerian National Defense College was established in 1992 by the armed forces of the country and is located in the capital, Abuja. It is a military training organization for the Nigerian army and an excellent center for training peace support operations at the strategic level in West Africa. Lectures, seminars, workshops, and conferences are provided to improve the skills of high-ranking military and officers. The current representative is Rear Admiral Oladele Bamidele Daji.

There is another Nigerian figure who attended the 2nd anniversary of the World Peace Summit with Professor Sampson - Archbishop Anthony McPonce Osmond Akinnugba of the Byzantine Orthodox Church in Nigeria. Archbishop Akinugba also delivered a certificate of recognition to Chairman Lee at this event. The certification stated, "The Byzantine Orthodox Church confers a commendation for the efforts and achievements of Chairman Man-Hee Lee for the restoration of world peace."

World religious leaders attending the 2nd Anniversary Ceremony of the World Peace Summit enter the event venue at Jamsil Main Stadium, Seoul.

Archbishop Akinnugba of the Byzantine Orthodox Church of Nigeria was at the 2nd anniversary of the World Peace Summit.

He also attended the 1st anniversary of the World Peace Summit in 2015, and agreed to HWPL's peace solutions and attended the 1st to 6th sessions at the Office of the Religious Association in Lagos, Nigeria. HWPL's WARP (World Alliance of Religions' Peace) office conducts a comparative discussion of scripture with the aim of resolving the cause of religious disputes and uniting the religious world. Religious people attending this meeting share the core teachings of each religion's scriptures and engage in dialogue to find better values. Archbishop Akinnugba, who supports this purpose, provided the meeting place and technological set-up for the 4th~6th Offices of the WARP Office. At the 5.25 event in 2016, he sent a congratulatory message in a video.

Archbishop Akinugba was elected Archbishop of Nigeria in 2014, and has been providing education for the poor, the sick (especially AIDS patients), struggling to survive financial constraints, and people who have lost hope. He is also working with dignity as a religious person within the field of human rights. He worked in Kenya's NGO for Children's Rights (Africa Peace Point) and in the Kibera slums in Kenya. In Tanzania, he worked for two years in charity, evangelism, and ministry for AIDS patients through the establishment of a non-profit organization.


1 comment:

  1. Many heads of state - both existing and former - have publicly declared their support for HWPL's Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), citing it as the only solution to ceasing all conflict and achieving peace on a global scale. I truly believe peace will be restored in all conflict-ridden nations through HWPL soon. May peace prevail!
