Sunday, July 16, 2023

[HWPL] HWPL's DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) - Article 3


[HWPL] HWPL's DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) - Article 3

Chairman ManHee Lee is the head representative of the global peace organization HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light), which is striving for the enactment and implementation of the international peace law 'Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)'. The  DPCW is a legal instrument comprised of 10 articles and 38 clauses that can end wars and hostilities throughout the world. HWPL is also spreading a culture of peace and implementing peace education.

Chairman ManHee Lee experienced the cruelty and tragedy of war as a veteran of the Korean War. This is one of the reasons why he founded a global peace campaign as the head of HWPL. He has traveled the globe more than 35 times to meet and persuade politicians, legal experts, journalists, professors, peace activists, civil organization leaders, heads of tribes and others to unite them for the work of peace. The significant fruits borne out of his hard work are the World Alliance of Religions' Peace (WARP) Summit and HWPL Peace Committee. The DPCW was drafted and finalised by the HWPL Peace Committee.

How, you may wonder, do I know this? About 10 years ago, when I had just been discharged from military service, I came to know HWPL and Chairman ManHee Lee while researching the topic of civil conflicts to satisfy my curiosity in ongoing global issues. At that time, the island of Mindanao in the Philippines was suffering from a major civil conflict that lasted more than 40 years, and Chairman ManHee Lee and HWPL resolved this conflict through non-violent means.

Chairman Lee brought an end to the conflict in Mindanao by holding a peace talk between the warring Catholic and Islamic groups. Before the talk, HWPL and Chairman ManHee Lee held a Peace Walk to spread the culture of peace in Mindanao with the many locals who had gathered out of a desire for peace.

Chairman ManHee Lee's pressing appeal today is that humanity unites for sustainable peace in order to pass on the legacy of peace to future generations worldwide. He doesn't just talk peace, but has worked tirelessly for it through practical peace campaigns for over a decade.

I decided to become a supporter of HWPL and Chairman ManHee Lee's peace initiatives because I also desire a world of peace for all posterity.

Today I'd like to introduce an article from HWPL official homepage regarding HWPL's DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) Article 3.

DPCW Article 3 - Friendly Relations and the Prohibition of Acts of Aggression

1. In accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV), States should develop friendly relations based upon respect for the principle of equal rights and self- determination of peoples, and should take appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.

2. States have the duty to refrain from any forcible action that deprives peoples of their rights to self-determination. 

3. States should condemn the illegal occupation of territory, resulting from the threat or use of force in a manner contrary to international law.

4. States should promote accountability by investigating alleged violations of international law, in particular, grave violation of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, and should take measures to ensure that States, citizens and corporations do not contribute to the commission of violations of international law.
5. States should condemn, and should criminalize in their domestic law, the planning, preparation, initiation or execution, by a person in a position effectively to exercise control over, or to direct, the political or military action of a State, of an act of aggression which, by its character, gravity and scale, constitutes a manifest violation of international law, thus amounting to a crime of aggression.

6. States should refrain from allowing their territories to be placed at the disposal of other actors, whether States or otherwise, to engage in armed forces against a third State.

7. States should bear in mind the principle of sovereign equality of States, and should seek to consult all other States, on the basis of reciprocal respect on issues that may relate to them in order to resolve and pre-empt disputes which may arise. This provision should apply without prejudice to human rights law and human dignity. 

Interested in HWPL's peace work for the world? Please visit following link :)

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